Trucking Communication: Trucker Slang
Like many other businesses, the trucking industry has its own jargon, terminology, and slang. Should you work in the trucking industry, you are probably familiar with the common CB 10-codes and trucker slang. However, we've put up a list of trucker slang if you're not up to speed on it.
Trucker Lingo
On the open road, truckers converse with one another over CB radio. You can get confused by all the trucker language or CB 10-codes you hear if you turn one on and tune. Some of the vocabulary terms that truckers use while driving are listed below.
All locked up: All the weight stations are closed.
Alligator: Shredded tire pieces on the road resembling an alligator.
Back it down: Slow down.
Backed out of it: Needing to downshift because it is no longer possible to maintain speed.
Bambi: A deer.
Base station or unit: This is a powerful CB radio set in a stationary location.
Bear: Any level of law enforcement officer, but usually a state trooper.
Bear bait: A four-wheel vehicle is driving above the speed limit, which is protecting the other speeding vehicles behind it.
Bear bite: An issued ticket to a speeding vehicle.
Bear in the bushes: Any level of law enforcement is hiding somewhere with the probability of aiming a radar gun at traffic.
Bird dog: A radar detector.
Black eye: A headlight is out.
Bull hauler: A hauler of livestock.
Bumper sticker: A tailgating vehicle.
Bundled out: A load that is heavy or at maximum capacity.
Cash register: A tollbooth.
Comedian: The median strip in between opposite lanes of traffic.
Comic book: The logbook.
County Mountie: County police, often a sheriff’s deputy.
Covered wagon: Flatbed type of trailer, with sidewalls, and a tarp.
Deadhead: Pulling an empty trailer.
Destruction: Road construction
Diesel cop: A DOT, Commercial Vehicle Enforcement officer.
Double nickel: 55 mph; it is considered to be the optimal balance between speed and fuel efficiency.
Driving award: A speeding ticket.
Dragon wagon: A tow truck.
Evil Knievel: A law enforcement officer on a motorcycle.
Gear jammer: The driver shifts between slow and high speeds with great frequency.
High dollar lane: There will be severe fines for truck drivers who drive in the far left lane in several densely populated regions. That forbidden route is referred to by this phrase.
Kojak with a Kodak: A radar gun being used by law enforcement.
Left Coast: Referring to the West Coast.
Lot lizard: A prostitute who approaches trucks at rest stops or truck stops and offers her services.
Mama bear: A female law enforcement officer.
Meat wagon: An ambulance.
Pigtail: The electrical connection from the tractor to the trailer.
Reading the mail: Listening to the CB radio and not talking.
Road pizza: Roadkill on the side of the road.
Toothpicks: A load of lumber.
Travel agent: Dispatch, or sometimes a broker.
Yardstick: A highway mile marker.
Are you ready to navigate the open road with the insider knowledge of trucker lingo? Whether you're a seasoned trucker or just curious about the language of the highway, understanding these terms can add a whole new dimension to your journey. Now, imagine having a tool that makes your trucking operations as smooth as a well-maintained highway. Introducing 10 Speed, your ultimate solution for Transportation Management. Don't let your logistics hit a roadblock – experience firsthand how 10 Speed can revolutionize your freight management, streamline operations, and keep you ahead of the curve. Book your demo now and let 10 Speed be your trusted navigator on the road to efficiency and profitability!
David Jordan Guerra
Logistics Market Researcher
I strive to keep myself informed by understanding the latest information involving the diverse world of the logistics industry.